Immah Be Honest

Sam, Ruven, Sarah, Mark & Nat



Recorded after and during the consumption of alcohol this episode is, for lack of a better term, a clusterf*ck of amazeballs humour, fun, bad music and rad stories. Sam Cribb is leaving for Canada and messed around on my OP-1. Ruven Govendor was once sponsored by Adidas and used to be on a New Zealand soap opera but you wouldn't believe him. Mark Mahon has a tatto of the Irish flag in the shape of a star on his butt. Sarah Young says some provoking things Nat Damena had a penis slapped on his head Terrible Kyle Legacy and Mark Wahlberg impressions happened And me? I'm thinking of getting a tattoo, paid too much for a synth, got introduced to the Fresh Prince of Dick Butt and had my credit card details stolen. Seriously listen, it's just a great stupid laugh