Aaron Katsman

How to network in Israel: An Interview with Helena Baker



Whether you are a brand new Oleh or have been here for years, we can all benefit from a great business network. Networking pro Helena Baker of English Speaking Networking joins me on the show this week to share her advice for those looking to start a business in Israel and how to make the most out of your networking opportunities. About our guest: Helena made Aliyah two years ago from London, although she is originally from Manchester. Having studied French and History at University, she worked at the Union of Jewish Students for a year before going solo as a freelance copywriter. A passionate networker, Helena grew her business through consistent schmoozing right across London. When she made Aliyah in January 2019 her plan was to continue networking and make contacts here. However, she found that most of the networking in Israel was very much high-tech focused or in Hebrew and so she decided to create her very own networking group, English Speaking Networking, a group for anglo business owners looking to g