High Pathetically With Will Noonan

"Epic Bombing - Episode 179"



Will's recent bombing at a private holiday gig has blown up on social media, been discussed on a few radio shows and has even garnered a lawsuit in small claims court. This episodes includes audio from TWO rough holiday gigs and the story is told with the help of Danny Picard (@DannyPicard) host of The Danny Picard show (which is an awesome sports podcast I'm often a guest on, available on dannypicard.com and anywhere podcasts are available). More on Will at willnoonan.com Will’s comedy albums “Mental Willness (2016)” and “Surpriso! (2011)” are both available on iTunes, Amazon and any place digital music and comedy are sold. E-mail Will at willnoonan.com/contact Twitter: @willnoonan Instagram: @willnoonanthecomedian Snapchat: realwillnoonan Facebook: facebook.com/willnoonancomic T-shirts available at prowrestlingtees.com/willnoonancomic Donate $ to HP via PayPal at www.paypal.me/WillNoonan Please RATE and COMMENT on iTunes, it really really helps #HighPathetically