Yesterday's Chip Paper

YCP Extra! Lightning Flowers, Errant Hats and Real Fake Names



In this edition of Yesterday's Chip Paper Extra!, Violet and Jim read each other's stories from across the centuries, ranging from an unfortunate Scotsman to a monkey who may well write questionable novels. Join us as we delve into the historical newspaper archives and dig up the stories that don't make full episodes by themselves, but are very fun nonetheless.  Yesterday's Chip Paper is the podcast where your hosts, Violet and Jim, scour historical newspaper archives and unearth forgotten stories. From mad scientists to murderers, elaborate con artists to the elaborately conned, the only limit to what we can find is that someone, somewhere has to have written about it.  You can find us on Facebook and Twitter @paperpodcast, and on email at Archives used in this episode: Music used in this episode: Billy Murray - I'm Afraid to go home in the Dark