Practical Magic Podcast With Kate Taylor

Turning Dissatisfaction into Strength



What are you putting up with in your life right now that is causing you discomfort and dissatisfaction? Taking the lead for being open to more comfort in my life as we come out of lockdown, I ordered the ultimate comfort support - a non-wired bra. Game changer, or so I thought. Yes life without unnecessary wires is something to be cherished, but what I quickly noticed was that discomfort had been replaced by some bad design detailing on the bra that left me OBSESSING about it for days.   This got me to thinking about the levels of dissatisfaction we're putting up with, that lockdown is highlighting to us - the itches that need scratching - and making sure we do something about them now, before the doors re-open and we use the busyness of life to distract us.   On the show today, I'm sharing how you can turn your discomfort into a strength. One that you can learn from and do something about, before that seemingly small discomfort turns into an overwhelming burden.   You can also learn more about what you are g