Tell Crossroads

TCP 008: Identifying The Ideas Worth Developing


Sinopsis How do you know whether an idea is worth pursuing? Personally, I’ve had multiple projects fail because it turned out no one else was as excited about them as I was. Sometimes, however, you just seem to know that you’re onto something with an idea. Some of us call your gut, or God and others call it intuition. Whatever it is, by paying close attention to that little voice, we can often identify the opportunities that are both a good fit for us and the world. Allan Goetz is a serial entrepreneur, the founder of Tour Connection, Michigan Buck Pole, and the soon to be opened 20 Front Street, an intimate acoustic music venue in Lake Orion, Michigan. In this episode, Allan shares the calling he felt that led to the founding of two of his businesses, and how he used market research to qualify the third. No matter how excited we are about an idea, there’s never any guarantee that people are going to show up when we open the doors, and there’s always the fear