Tell Crossroads

TCP 015: Designing A Brand That Resonates w/ Aruna Mall



Full post found at: Whatever business you’re in, I’m guessing one of your aspirations is building a strong, instantly recognizable brand image. We all aspire to the distinctive branding that the Nike Swoosh, or the Apple, well, Apple, conveys to anyone who sees them. The thing is, too many of us stop there, thinking that the logo makes the brand and not the other way around. Aruna Mall is the Creative Director for Teal Media. A lifelong creative, Aruna is halfway through a second decade of work in the digital design field, and along with her team at Teal, is an expert when it comes to branding and design. In today’s episode, she shares some of the most common mistakes individuals and brands make when thinking about design and branding, and how you can avoid them with your own business. As she points out, coming up with an engaging and recognizable image is more about asking questions of your audience than it is about a flashy logo (although those are nice too).