Tell Crossroads

TCP 016: Grow Your Business Big. Very Big W/ Jon Dwoskin



Full post found at: “I think you’ll do great in college, but I think you’ll learn a lot more from these tapes and people like Brian Tracy than you will college.” [11:00] That was the advice Jon Dwoskin’s father gave him before heading to college, after giving him a set of tapes by Brian Tracy called The Psychology of Success. (Yes, tapes. For a walkman. I remember mine as well, I know it dates me.) Jon turned that advice, and a voracious appetite for learning into a hugely successful career. To start with he co-founded and grew an internet company that ultimately got bought out by a big Silicon Valley company. He then became the top selling agent at the largest investment real estate firm in the country before taking over an office for that company just before the ‘08 crash, and then turning it into the most profitable office in the company in the ensuing years. These days Jon helps successful but stuck business owners and C-level execs find a way to gro