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TCP 019: Is Your Brand In Alignment? How To Fix It w/ Brian Lischer of Ignyte



Brands are a lot like people. The companies and organizations we own or work for all have values, beliefs, and aspirations that they attempt to live up to every day. Sometimes however, our brands begin to drift away from those stated values and the resulting gap is perceived by our clients and customers as an inauthentic brand. Brain Lischer is the founder of Ignyte, a branding agency whose sole focus is on helping drifting brands achieve alignment and authenticity. With a background in psychology, and a deep curiosity in understanding how and why people make decisions and perceive brands in certain ways, Brian and his team dive into the process of helping clients rebrand with academic level research and strategy. After coming to the realization years ago that he himself was living an inauthentic life, Brian has dedicated his life to understanding authenticity through the lens of branding and perception, and is here today to share his insights with us. Many of the benefits of branding are hard to measure, but