Tell Crossroads

TCP 024: How To Unlock Your Brand's Story w/ Jill Pollack



If you’re a listener of this show, you probably know the importance of storytelling in conveying your message and value proposition, but do you understand the art and science behind it? Jill Pollack, is a storytelling guru who joins us today to break down what makes a good story, and where to even start when it comes to sharing ours, or our company or organization’s. Jill is the founder and director of Story Studio Chicago, an award-winning communications consultant, writer, editor and speaker and this is just the tip of the iceberg. With a degree in theater, storytelling has been her passion for as long as she can remember. But after too many years working in places that stifled her creativity, she jumped ship and started Story Studio, where they teach writers of all levels how to tap into their creativity, get published, or get noticed with their work. In this episode, we dive into the necessity of storytelling in both the creative and business fields, how science is now pinpointing how and why stories work