Beyond Good Intentions With Kristen Duke

#028 Sherri Graf // Helping Teens find their Passion



Sherri shares right from the start that she has a passion for helping teenagers and young adults to find a path that will lead to fulfillment in life. She runs Imagine College Coaching, a website and services that helps guide her passion. She shares about growing up in a small East Texas town, in an area that was not prioritizing college/education, and she had to figure out a lot all on her own. She discusses the 4 points of balance, which are tools to get out of a pit. She also talks a lot about self motivation, and also the comparison game that comes from social media of not measuring up. "If you want to do something or be something, in America, there is a way to make it happen." "Parenting is the greatest privilege I've ever been given. Open communication is the most valuable. I want to be a safe place.  Share your failures and your kids will be more open to share theirs." "Give them salt and make them thirsty. Help kids to be thirsty to have a zest for life." We talked about a video I made that aligns wit