Dynamic Business Women

Getting clear on what matters



Ali is a Psychologist and CEO at Pragmatic Thinking, a motivation and behavior strategy company. She is co-author of the top business book 'Dealing with the Tough Stuff: How to achieve results from key conversations', and author of 'Stand Out: A real world guide to get clear, find purpose and become the boss of busy'.   Ali is a regular on  Channel 9  has regular articles published with Fairfax Group (including the AFR, SMH & The Age), News Limited (The Daily Tele & Courier Mail), and The Huffington Post. Her work has found its way inside a few big businesses you might have heard of… PepsiCo, Siemens, McDonalds, Sydney Trains, BHP Billiton, Bond University, Griffith University, and BlueCare just to name a few. Ali presents her unique and authentic message as a sought-after international keynote speaker and MC where she engages her audience with humor, practicality and real-world thinking.