Mile After Mile Podcast

Run Tri Bike Magazine - A New Magazine



My guest today on the Mile after Mile podcast is Jason Bahamundi.  Jason along with his business partner, Angela Naeth have just brought a brand new Magazine to market. It’s called Run Tri Bike.  In this episode we learn more about Jason himself as an athlete, what he did professionally before he started this magazine project. He shares where the idea for Run-Tri-Bike came from. We talk about what makes it unique and special. And of course, Jason shares where we can find this new magazine and how we can support this project.  They are looking to partner with Race Directors. Run Tri Mag is looking to feature Triathlon Clubs, and they are looking to hear and share your getting started stories and your stories and photos of training with your pets. You can subscribe to the Magazine today and if you use the code MM20 - you get a 20% discount.  You can find the magazine online at  You can also find it on social media @runtrimag Thank you Jason for being a guest on the Mile after Mile Podcast.  __