Desire To Trade Podcast | Forex Trading Tips & Interviews With Highly Successful Traders

039: Finding Your Own Way To Trade w/ Dave Floyd



Finding Your Own Way To Trade w/ Dave Floyd In episode 39 of the Desire To Trade Podcast, I interview a stock & Forex trader I really admire named Dave Floyd, the founder and head of trading at Aspen. Dave started trading in college while he was in Boston. He first read Market Wizards, a book showcasing stories of various successful traders (which I highly recommend!). The interviewed covered several topics, but one of them highly resonated with me. It is the idea of finding your own way as a trader. Once you get through the initial phase of trading, you begin to understand that copying others isn't what will help you succeed. Everybody's different and two traders almost cannot trade the exact same way. You must then find your own way as a trader. Cheat Sheet - Dave Floyd Balancing overtrading vs. not trading enough How to go through the hard learning curve of a trader: it is not about learning strategies from others. The transition between day trading and swing trading: that was a natural transition for