Battle Bards

Battle Bards Episode 10: Age of Conan



What pleases the Battle Bards? To crush their enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their husbands.  Also, good music, which is why the bards are diving into the Age of Conan soundtrack this week!  There are divided opinions on this incredibly popular score -- listen and see where you fall! Follow Battle Bards on iTunes Follow Battle Bards on Stitcher Episode 10 show notes Introduction (including "Northern Grassland") "Hamlets of Aquilonia" "All Heroes Unite" "Memories of Cimmeria" "Villages of Khitai" "Ambush from Three Directions" "The Sands of Forgetfullness/Tortage Beach" "The Damp Barachan Nights" Speakpipe: Reply to Axel Grimwulf Mailbag: Reply to Kuter Outro Special thanks to Tesh for the Battle Bards logo!