Battle Bards

Battle Bards Episode 190: Genshin Impact



It was the FOMO title of last fall, and now Genshin Impact is in your ears! On this episode of the Battle Bards, Syp, Steff, and the Other One explore the varied and delightfully cheerful soundtrack to this online RPG. Unless you have headphones made of live kittens, it'll be the most adorable thing you'll listen to all day! Episode 190 show notes Intro (feat. "Make Haste, Partner," "Liyue Defense," and "Dusk in Mondstadt") "Beats of Water Drops" "Spring in Clouds" "Bustling Afternoon of Mondstadt" "Welp, Didn't Expect That" "Chasing the Torrents" "Symphony of Boreal Wind"  "Against All Odds" Which one did we like best? Listener notes from Katriana Jukebox picks: "Space Trip" from The Light Corridor, "Main Theme" from Desperados III, and "Expedition" from Epic Seven Outro (feat. "Happy Journey") Talk to the Battle Bards on Twitter! Follow Battle Bards on iTunes, Stitcher, Player.FM, Google Play, iHeartRadio, and Pocket Casts! This podcast is produced using copyrighted material according to Fair Use practic