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10. Skynet Open Beta



Enter to win a copy of "Earth in Human Hands: Shaping Our Planet's Future", autographed by David Grinspoon, aka Dr. FunkySpoon, author, astrobiologist, and host of StarTalk All Starts with Neil deGrasse Tyson at   This week, the guys prepare for the annual Humans to Mars Summit by tying up all of the loose stories from previous weeks. Updates on multiple stories included, as well as some new information on state space policies and ethernet cables in space. Tune in next week for full coverage of H2M.   Links:   Latest From Washington Governor signs Georgia Space Flight Act California might tax space launches Senate passes space weather bill   Space News Highlight of The Week X-37B lands after record-setting mission   International News Arianespace launches for first time since French Guiana protests ended (2nd article by spaceflightinsider)   Latest in Tech Space Ethernet! Finally!     Coming Soon to Space Humans 2 Mars Preview!   Follow Ad Astra on Twitter at @AdAstra_Podcast, on Facebook