The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

9: The Self-Disciplined Leader



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: Leadership is about creating environments that influence others to achieve group goals. This works because people support a world they help create.There are five success areas for leaders to focus on that make all the difference. Rate your performance by giving yourself a mark on a scale of 1 (low) to 10 (high) for each area.Self-directionThis is a must for leaders. If you can’t organise yourself, your ability to have others follow you is doubtful.Effective self-directed leaders have a personal vision which they review each day to remind themselves that the compass is more critical than the clock. They write down this vision and they write down their goals. They do this because they know there is magic in committing generalities to specifics in written form.They have a broad range of goals around their main roles in life, so that the balance between business and non-business is never compromised.They have clearly defined values that guide their beha