The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

11: Killing The Ums and Ahs



Dale Carnegie Training Japan: TOKYO — My former colleague was a notorious “ummer” and “ahher”. “Um, I, um, would, um, like to um, say um, thank you, um, for um, this um, opportunity”. Listening to him was seriously painful. Time seemed to freeze, as it took forever for him to get to the point, which was mostly lost due to dreadful syntax. The ability to stand before others and express oneself clearly is a basic skill that is sadly still lacking in many people. Rambling, mumbling, zero focus on the audience, no power of persuasion, and “I Am the Brand” suicide continue to stunt careers. Sprinkle in some ums and ahs for good measure and we have a recipe for disaster. I will now share with you a guaranteed formula to end this reign of terror you potentially have been inflicting on audiences your entire life. Experience tells us that off-the-cuff remarks are more likely to produce hesitancy in speech than a prepared presentation. For those hard-core ummers, however, it seems to make