Minister's Toolbox

EP 46: Is Everyone Truly Welcome At Your Church? Probably Not!



How much of what we do or practice as a church is sending the opposite message of what we are trying to convey? Is our church saying, "All Are Welcome" outwardly, but in reality, saying, all are welcome if you become like us as soon as possible? About 80% of people come to your church through personal invitation. Included in that statistic is checking you out on the web before they come.   During the podcast we attempt to look at your church through the eyes of guests. Other than telling people to come again, have you thought through why people should? Is your church actively thinking about how to attract your guests to return again and again and again? “You never have to advertise a fire. Everyone comes running when there's a fire. Likewise, if your church is on fire, you will not have to advertise it. The community will already know it.” During the podcast, I offered two chapters of my (now published) book, When A Good Church Goes Bad. You can read THREE chapters for free here.