The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

49: How To Work On Your Business Not Just In Your Business



Episode 49:  THE Leadership Japan Series: How to Work on Your Business Not Just in Your Business Intro:  Greg:  Konnichiwa and welcome to Episode 49 of THE Leadership Japan podcast.  I’m your host in Tokyo, Dr. Greg Story, president of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and much more importantly you are a student of leadership, highly motivated to be the best in your business field.  If you would like your own access to 102 years of the accumulated wisdom of Dale Carnegie training through free white-papers, guidebooks, reports, training videos, blogs, course  information plus much more, then go to  Today we are going to hear a presentation on how to work on your business, not just in your business.  Greg:  My name is Greg Story. I’m the president of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and I’ll be presenting on how to work on your business, not just in your business, today.  I’m very impressed that so many of you will come so early in the morning to hear about this.  But it tells me that like me, w