The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

114: Market Yourself In Under One Minute



Market Yourself In Under One Minute     Meeting new business contacts, expanding personal networks, promoting a reliable, trustworthy “Brand You” are the basics of business.  By the way, even if our job title doesn’t explicitly mention “sales and marketing” we are all in sales and marketing.  In modern commerce, even professionals in non-traditional sales roles like accountants, lawyers, dentists, engineers, architects, analysts, consultants all need to pitch their expertise to get new clients.  This may not have been the case in the past, but this is the “new black” of the professions.  When we try to influence a decision – buy my widget, use my service, fund this project, open a new market or even where shall we go for lunch - these are all sales and marketing efforts to get others to follow our ideas.  Don’t miss this change and instead master the process, such that you get the business and not your competition.   By the way, first impressions are so critical.  When I ask my class participants during sales