The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

116: That Vital Two Second Window



That Vital Two Second Window    How long does it take on average to form a first impression?  My students tell me two seconds.  Wow.  What does this mean for the speaker?  It could be in the boardroom, at the networking event or at the pitch to the client. Regardless of the location, one thing is sure – everyone is a critic.      Think back to the last time you saw someone present – be it an update, a project submission, an overview or a fully fledged speech.  Were you indulging in a little mental aside, “I hope this is good”, as you swiveled around in your chair to view the speaker?  Did the speaker get right into it or was there some logistical finessing of the laptop, the lapel mike or the notes sitting on the rostrum?  Was the speaker looking at the audience, up at the huge screen behind or down at the laptop?  Did we have some good old hand mike thumping to see if it was working properly?  If there were any such diversions, then our two seconds have come and gone completely.   What would help us to maxim