The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

119: Unpacking Donald Trump’s Persuasion Power



Unpacking Donald Trump’s Persuasion Power     Donald Trump breaks many of the rules of presenting but he gets the key stuff right. Love him or loath him as a contender for the Republican Party Presidential race nomination, he continues to perform strongly in the polls, against the expectations of the vast majority of American political experts. So, he must be doing something right, as he is proving to be very persuasive with the audiences who flock to hear him speak. Are there any lessons here for us, when we come to give our own presentations?   He is authentic when he speaks. There is no speech writer grinding away in the background polishing his prose to within an inch of its life. None of those semi-invisible prompters on the left and right to drip feed the polished input. He does have some notes to keep him on track, but he barely refers to them. He digresses, goes off on tangents, gets sidetracked, but the audience understands this is the price for the speaker being non-scripted. He keeps their attentio