The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

121: What Successful Women Presenters Do Well



What Successful Women Presenters Do Well   I attend lot of events in Tokyo and probably the vast majority of business audiences that I see here have a 70/30 male female ratio. For any presenter understanding your audience is a key part of the preparation and delivery. I have noticed a few commonalities amongst the most successful women presenters in this male dominated environment here in Japan. Here is what I have seen work well for businesswomen when speaking in public.   Confidence is the overwhelming positive first impression. This is communicated in a number of ways. The voice is strong and clear. Even relatively soft female voices can become powerful enough, through using the microphone technology available today, so there is no excuse for letting a weak voice derail the presentation.   Funnily enough, many macho male businessmen seem clueless about how to use microphones. You see them actually wave off the offer of the microphone, because they have a fear or distaste of it. Now if your voice is strong