The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

136: Pummel Procrastination



Pummel Procrastination   We know we should do that project or piece of work but we resist. We may even be bold and get it into our To Do list, maybe even attach a high priority number to it, but still fail to start. Why? We are all pretty clever about avoiding pain and some projects have pain written all over them. Maybe we may have to think – gasp! Or maybe, it is going to require a lot of time and we feel too time poor to get into it. It could be it is complex and will require a lot of effort, sapping our strength for other competing easier projects. Hopefully, we are not just plain lazy, like Dilbert’s cartoon character “Wally” – a serial work avoider.   Our inner dialogue could also be an issue. We are talking ourselves out of doing the work because of what we are saying to ourselves about the prospect. Here are some ides on changing the inner conversation to slip the chains of procrastination and assist us to get the hard bits completed.   “I need to do it perfectly” This is a great one in japan, because