The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

146: Stop Killing Your Sales



Stop Killing Your Sales   What we say and how we say it matters. It matters in life, in families and in business- especially in sales. Salestalk is very semantics driven. By the way, the classic Hollywood big talking salesperson is an archeological artifact, a dusty relic, now banished to the tombs. Today, salespeople have to be articulate but not glib, concise not flowery, evidence based not barrow-boy spivs.   Japan presents a challenge with developing salespeople. Invariably, they are the undereducated graduates of OJT or On-the-Job Training. This will work for certain technical themes but not for the broader art of sales. Attempts by foreign corporates to rectify this problem are often laughable. Bosses who don’t speak Japanese or don’t have a sales background or even worse lack both, send in the English speaking instructors from the corporate APAC hub, to dole out the sales medicine. It is always snake oil.   Sales training for salespeople must be based on the reality of selling to clients in the client’