The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

149: Dojo Business Lessons



Dojo Business Lessons   I have often thought there are so many lessons from the martial arts for our businesses. Here are my musings assembled from my 46 years of training in traditional Japanese Karate.   Entering the Dojo The Dojo is the ultimate equalizer. Whether you arrived by chauffeur driven Roller, Maybach or took Shanks’s mare, once you step on to that Dojo floor only your ability and character separates you from everyone else. You have had all of your wealth, privileges, educational background, social status, connections stripped away and you are left alone to rise or fall based on your own abilities.   In business we forget this and allow people to accrue titles, status and power unattributed to their abilities. It is always amazing how many politicians there are infesting companies. We need to see beyond the spin and politics and ensure that people’s real abilities are recognized and rewarded. If the politicians control the top positions then the corporate fish will rot from the head and the busin