

REAL Leaders   We love acronyms! Our workplaces are thriving with them, such that we can hold extended conversations composed entirely of seemingly impenetrable codes. They are handy though and this one REAL is short and serviceable to describe best practice leadership attributes. It always good to combine evidence with pontification. This summary of the great and the good tendencies amongst leaders is based on recent survey research we did in the USA We asked what respondents thought leaders needed to do to be more successful. We are in the process of rolling this survey out globally. The REAL acronym is composed of these key elements – Reliable, Empathetic, Aspirational and Learner.   “Reliable” is an obvious choice and though much upheld in principle, tends to break down in practice. “Managing upwards” is a buzzword for describing how to deal with one’s boss. It used to be called “sucking up to the boss” to get ahead. In the latter case, it means taking all the glory for yourself, Teflon-like blaming other