The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

169: Three Critical Things Entrepreneurs Need



Three Critical Things Entrepreneurs Need   Usually, when we think about how to succeed in our own business, we favour things like sufficient cash flow and capital. This is absolutely true, but this is a product of decisions we have already taken. We need to focus on the core drivers of the company's success. There will be certain businesses where technology alone makes it work, but these are rare. For the rest of us to be successful, we need three critical skills: the ability to master our time, to clone ourselves and to be persuasive.   Time How we spend our time is the most high value resource we have. More than money, it makes or breaks our business. Poor time control leads to inefficiency, wasted efforts, stress and missed opportunities. Entrepreneurs are geniuses at trying to do too much. This means they are run ragged with time demands and no good solutions.   This has to be turned around and time gotten under firm control. Start with a simple audit of where you allocate your time now. Create a spreadsh