The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

172: People Are A Pain



People Are A Pain   "All of our problems walk on two legs and talk back”. I can’t recall when I first came across this expression but it is true isn’t it. Most business problems can be fixed with more capital, technological breakthroughs, greater efficiencies, patience and time. People problems though are much trickier.   An after work drinks session erupts into an alcohol fuelled shouting match between two colleagues that doesn’t end there. The hostilities continue and now the entire work atmosphere is polluted with the bile between them.   The discussion about next year’s budget allocation turns nasty, as two strong willed leaders start a very public stoush aiming for some advantage over the other. Frosty relations prevail between these two silos within the firm thereafter and everyone is involved.   An innocuous remark by a colleague causes offense and now the boss has to deal with complaints about, “I can’t work with Taro anymore”.   Head Off Trouble Rather than trying to sort out the incidents, the rival