The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

173: Japan - Your Educational Ladder Is On The Wrong Wall



Japan: Your Educational Ladder Is On The Wrong Wall   Japanese education includes exciting things like adults screaming abuse, using threatening words, kids mouthing slogans at mass rallies and making over $2 million in a week.   We know that Japan has a well established escalator system for work and education. Enter on the correct ground floor and with the passing of time and effort, you get out at the top. Get accepted into the right elementary school and you will get into the right middle school, the right high school and then the right university. You graduate and get a job at the right company and then over decades of grind work your way up to the top.   Japan still loves rote learning and parents will pay cram schools to get their kids fully tuned up and on to the education escalator. I was watching a programme on television about the Waseda Academy’s week long training camp for aspirant future captains of industry. The programme focused on 6th year elementary students trying to get into the all importa