

Trust   Leaders gain automatic trust by dint of their position power.  Title and authority ensure people will toe the line, laugh at our jokes, tell us “Yes”.  This type of trust only goes so far though in gaining the willing cooperation of the team members.  In a busy life however, with so many demands on our time, we mentally merge automatic trust with earned trust and confuse the two.  Earned trust differs from automatic trust because it is based on the reality of our interactions and communication with our team.  This is the “walk” as opposed to the “talk”.  We imagine we have established a trust relationship with the team and therefore are getting their full support for our efforts to progress the business.  As Yogi Berra once noted, " Leading is easy. It is getting people to follow you that is the hard part".   Time management is closely related to trust.  The ability to leverage ourself as a leader and get others to work on projects for us, means we can concentrate on high level tasks that only we can