The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

185: Be The Light On The 2017 Hill



Be The Light On The 2017 Hill     New Year, new starts or not? We religiously muscle up in January to set our resolutions to improve ourselves in the coming 12 months. Often these resolutions are inwardly focused. Lose weight, get better organized, be more patient, etc. This year, let’s set a breakthrough goal and make it really worthwhile going through this process. Let’s become a catalyst, a trigger, a spark to become the light on the hill for others around us. “Be the change you want to see” is a great Gandhi quote and tremendously wise and insightful.   We can start by changing how we see others. Instead of being a perpetual “fault finder”, a corrector of errors, a righteous blade to cut those making mistakes, a terminator of the terrible, why not try another approach? Rather than putting others down for their failings, why not become a person who is a serial encourager and builder of others?   Imagine the type of workplace you want to work in? Is it rife with politics, backstabbing, petty power tussles,