The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

219: The Four Stages Of Building A Team



The Four Stages Of Building A Team     When do we create teams? Usually we inherit teams from other people, stocked with their selections and built around their preferences and prejudices, not ours. Sometimes we might get to start something new and we get to choose who joins. Does that mean that “team building” only applies when we start a new team? If that were the case, then most of us would never experience building a team in our careers. This idea is too narrow. In reality, we are building our teams every day, regardless of whether we suddenly became their leader or whether we brought them in or we started from scratch.   Teams are fluid. People come and go, so there is never an end point of team building. “Yeah, it’s built” would be fatal last words, because before you have even drained the champagne flute in celebration, your best performer is heading off to bigger and better things with your competitor.   So we are constantly adding to the team, even if we kicked it off ourselves. New people arrive wit