The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

229: Karoshi is BS. Overwork Rarely Kills You



Karoshi Is BS. Overwork Rarely Kills You   So many sad cases of people dying here in Japan from what is called karoshi and the media constantly talks about death through overwork. This is nonsense and the media are doing us all a disservice. This is fake news. The cases of physical work killing you are almost exclusively limited to situations where physical strain has induced a cardiac arrest or a cerebral incident resulting in a stroke. In Japan, that cause of death from overwork rarely happens. The vast majority of cases of karoshi death are related to suicide by the employee. This is a reaction to mental and physical exhaustion and the associated stress that piles up, until it is overwhelming. So the real source of death from karaoshi is stress, not physically working too hard. Just where is that stress coming from?   It is coming from two sources: the individual’s inability to deal with the stress of long hours, long commutes, and no time for recovery driving them to depression and ending their own precio