The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

245: Japan's Galapagos Syndrome Still Alive And Well



Japan’s Galapagos Syndrome Still Alive And Well   The description of Japan, as similar to the remote islands of Galapagos off the South American coastline is often quite apt. The fauna and flora of the Galapagos Islands are unique and have become so, through their splendid isolation from the outside world. When the ruling Tokugawa family declared death for anyone coming into Japan or leaving Japan, with the exception of the Dutch down on tiny little Dejima Island in Kyushu, the country went into isolation from the rest of the world. Many things in Japan still continue in isolation despite the country opening up to the world, thanks to the arrival of American gunboats in the 1850s.   In 1992 I was posted in Nagoya, for four years, launching up a totally new operation there. I found it tough. We were trying to get Australian products and services into the Chubu region market, but the mental resistance was quite strong. Initially l thought it was because we were foreigners. I discovered that even those Japanese