The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

246: Bruce Lee Nailed This Leadership Flaw



Bruce Lee Nailed This Leadership Flaw   I am a big Bruce Lee fan, but I never thought of him as a purveyor of leadership wisdom. Lot’s of interesting stuff gets posted on Facebook and sure enough the following was attributed to Bruce Lee, “A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer”. Did Bruce really say that? Who knows, but it is a great piece of insight about leadership anyway, so let’s roll with it. Leaders habitually fail to learn from their subordinate’s answers and also overestimate their ability to share their personal wisdom with the team. No one is listening much to each other.   Bosses aren’t learning much from foolish questions, because well, they consider them foolish and of no value. When we have brainstorming sessions in companies, the boss is the judge, jury and executioner of aspirant ideas. The boss runs the session because they are the boss aren’t they. This is interesting and here is a suggestion for all the bosses out there - don’t always be