The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

248: Leader EQ in Short Supply



Leader EQ In Short Supply   Intellectually we get it. We know that what we think influences what we feel about something in our business. We know that how we feel influences our behaviour in the workplace. Knowing this is great but acting within that knowledge is the hard bit. You see it all the time.   I have a friend, a leader, who gets very emotional and the gloves come off. The results go south one month or one quarter and the boss is savagely chewing everyone out. The pressure from above about the poor results is turning that nice boss into a monster. Something which was vital to a project has not been done, because someone else down the line decided they knew more about it than the boss and stopped it happening. An action was specifically requested to be done on a particular day and it wasn’t done. The boss publically explodes with anger and frustration.   This whole construct is selfish. It is all about me, me, me as the boss. The buck stops with the boss, so naturally the boss is self-interested in ge