The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

265: Japan Can Be Brutal In Sports And Business



Japan Can Be Brutal In Sports And Business We recently had a blatant example of poor sportsmanship here in an American Football game between two traditional University team rivals.  It gained massive media coverage because it was unusual.  I think it is pretty clear to everyone that Nihon University American Football coaches Inoue and Uchida told linebacker Miyagawa to injure the Kansei Gakujun University Quarterback. In their press conference they said he misunderstood their orders. Probably what they meant was injure the Quarterback, but not so blatantly that it has gone viral. Sports in Japan is still feudal in some areas and violence toward players is tolerated by the institutions because they want to win and gain prestige. Isolated incident you may be thinking?  Think again. Do you remember a few years ago when the Sakuranomiya High School basketball captain chose death by suicide, rather than face another demeaning day of 30 slaps in the face from his Coach Komura. The coach “got results” so his coachin