The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

266: Delegation In Business In Japan



Delegation In Business In Japan   We know that delegating tasks is important but we have tried it in the past and found it didn’t work well, so we have given up on it.  Why didn’t it work well?  This usually because of the way we do the delegation.  We just dump the task on someone and tell them when we want it, as we gracefully slide off into the mist.  We turn up at the designated production point to find it hasn’t been done or has errors or has been taken off on a complete different direction to what we expected.  The timing means it is too late or panic stations to try and fix it by the deadline. We blame “delegation” the process rather than ourselves.   So we start saying dumb things to ourselves like “it would be faster if I do it myself”.  We do this because we don’t want to invest the time in teaching someone else how they should be doing it.  This is a big mistake because if we keep doing it this way we will never be able to delegate anything.  There is a big opportunity cost here, because we can’t f