The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

267: Time When Doing Business In Japan



  Time When Doing Business In Japan   Time is life, time is money and time is your business.  Business decisions are glacial here in Japan but buyer expectations of you regarding your response and follow times are exceedingly high.  Tokyo especially bustles along.  You see it in the mornings. I catch my subway train around 7.15am in the morning and to my astonishment I see people dressed for business, running through the subway station.  Why are they running at 7.15am in the morning? Who knows, but it just reinforces that things are moving fast here in this crazy capital.  The pace of life is fast so we have to be very well organised to keep up with buyer’s expectations.   It is so much harder to be well organised today.  Emails are hitting our inboxes like a tsunami, just wave upon wave of new emails, without remorse and without relent.  You cannot call any one anymore either because they are in meetings, everyone is in meetings.  You know your email will get drowned in their inbox and you cannot get them on