The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

269: Celebrating Wins When Doing Business In Japan



Celebrating Wins When Doing Business In Japan   We imagine we are celebrating our wins, but are we really?  I think about myself and I realize, I am not doing it.  This is a good reminder for myself, that I should be doing it more often. Japan is a highly risk averse culture, so when we ask people to step out of their comfort zone, they are hesitant to do so.  Most people don’t like change, so there needs to be encouragement and recognition to do so. Avoiding risk, responsibility and accountability are gold medal winning traits on the part of most Japanese people. This is their risk averse nature coming through.   We are all looking for innovation and progress and that means doing things we aren’t automatically good at, it means mistakes and possible failures.  All of these things get penalized in Japan. No wonder people like doing the same and safe routines they are familiar with.  We have to think about how to reward people for stepping up and stepping out.    That means praise and recognition and celebrati