The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

271: Five Phase Practical Creative Thinking



Five Phase Practical Creative Thinking   More, faster, better with less sounds ideal, but if you are continuing to do the same things, in the same way, then the sadly, results will be the same.  That means we need to be introducing changes. The creative quotient in change has the capacity to really lift our game.  Are we maximizing the total power of the group to come up with creative interventions, which will impact our performance?  Usually the boss is barking out orders like a mad pirate or is shredding ideas from the group, as they begin to hatch.  This destroys any individual motivation to put up any further ideas and plunges the future of the organisation into idea darkness.  Not ideal.   We all know that the ability to think creatively, analyse problems and opportunities in new innovative ways are critical organisational skills, which are still underdeveloped here in most companies in Japan.  We want new discoveries, better ways of doing things, reduced costs and improved performance, but we often defe