The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

272: Mentor Others To Help Yourself



Mentor Others To Help Yourself   The title sounds terrible doesn’t it.  So selfish and self-serving.  The truth is we don’t mentor others because we are too busy and we can’t justify the distraction from concentrating on our own business.  That may be true, but we all know that great aphorism about “work on your business, not just in your business”.  This idea invites us to climb out of the mud, blood and chaos of daily battle in business, to check we have our ladder up against the right wall. When we look at the situation of others, we become geniuses, but somehow we are too close to our own micro world, to apply the same level of insight.  Mentoring gives us a chance to think without the internally induced pressure and therefore to see things which we are often blind to.   Finding people to mentor isn’t hard.  Within your company or business circles there will be no shortage of people who can use some additional help and will be open to learning from someone more senior and a lot more experienced.  “You can