

Managing Up   Why do we want to manage up? All the brains and good ideas in an organization don’t exclusively aggregate to the top of the hierarchy. In fact, one of the depressing aspects of becoming a leader, with responsibilty for others, is that you are taken away from the front line.  This is especially the case if you have been enjoying working with clients and in your new vice-regal role, you can only do that osmotically, through others in your team. You rapidly find yourself out of date with what is happening in the market and the nitty gritty of what is going on in the front line.    You see the macro numbers and can see trends, but you don’t see what is fully behind those numbers. This means that the people at the bottom will always have a perspective on the business that is denied to the boss. This is okay, as long as the boss is tapping into the knowledge and viewpoint of those in the field, those on the front line.  In a perfect word that would be the case, but in this time poor world, that is not