The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

275: What Type Of Leaders Don't Followers Want In Japan



What Type of Leaders Don’t Followers Want In Japan?   During a leadership training session here we looked at what the group thought were the traits of ineffective leaders.  Followers are pristine boss watchers.  They scrutinise the boss every day for a safety readout.  Is today the time to raise my idea about that project.  Is the coast clear to ask for money for this project. How is the mood for granting my leave approval?  Every nuance of facial, body and voice expression are minutely dissected to see if this is a fight or flight moment of interaction with the boss.  Miraculously bosses forget this and don’t recall how skilled they were at studying their own bosses, when they were on their way up through the ranks.  There were things we didn’t like about our bosses, but have we cleverly overlooked them in our own regard?   Staff don’t like bosses who give very little or no feedback.  Often the traits that self select bosses work against this.  They can be ippiki okamior lone wolf types.  They are independen