The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

276: What Type Of Leaders Do Followers Want In Japan



What Type of Leaders Do Followers Want In Japan?   Leaders want many things from followers.  Results, top line, bottom line, efficiency, cost  cutting, loyalty, engagement, consistency, honesty, skills, etc.  Great, but so what?  I love that Yogi Berra quote about leading is easy, getting people to follow you is the hard bit. As you might expect from a professional baseball player, that is pretty straight to the point, and what we would expect from someone who did well in one of the most fierce meritocracies on the planet.  So what do followers want from their leaders?     They want effective leaders.  Fine, but what does that mean in practice?  We recently held some leadership training and the participants were asked about what they meant by effective leaders. They want leaders to praise their people.  This sounds pretty straightforward doesn’t it, except that few leaders make the time to do it or do it regularly enough.  I am one of them!!!    I do appreciate how hard my team works, but my own busy, busy hi