The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

278: Modern Leaders Fear Talent In The Ranks



Modern Leaders Fear Talent In The Ranks   Business today has become vicious.  Having a long career in a company is not something that is highly probable anymore. Firms have no compunction about throwing people on the scrapheap, despite the years of loyal service they have put in.  We have all become part of the gig economy, only some of us haven’t worked that one out yet.  Just look at banking.  Having a long career in banking was once a thing.  Not today.  People are forced to move, divisions are expunged and the people are shed as easily as cats shed their fur.  Bin liners are handed out and low paid, burly security guards see you off the premises. Industry after industry, tenure has become a tenuous construct.   Politics in big organizations, patronage, new brooms, new boards, new shareholders – you name it, there are multiple launching pads in companies now ready and able to blast you out of the organization.  In this mix isn’t it natural for leaders to look for places to get a fingernail hold? If there a