

 AI Armageddon   Software development went down two paths. One was as a means to better control the employees and the other was to empower them.  China’s ubiquitous face recognition technology is way beyond anything predicted in George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984”.  This is the software control function on steroids.  On the other side, technology has freed up our time, has made complex processes incredibly fast and economical.  The technology itself is just a tool, so managers need to make the decision to harness it as a shackle or as a springboard.  AI will just take this whole decision making process further and faster.    We fear AI will take away jobs and that fear is predicated on our historical understanding of the advances in technology to date.  Luddites saw their textile making craft decimated by steam powered machines.  Horse drawn carriages were replaced by cars.  Those carriage building craftsmen lost their jobs.  Salespeople working for newspapers sold job ad space to companies and it was a ri